Tuesday, December 13, 2011

i just read the story, barely. it tells about life story of child who picked up by God when he died. im interested to share this story to you because it's very very touching. i repost this story from my school mate's facebook.
happy reading :)

There was a child fourth grade elementary school in an area in Milaor Camarine Sur, Phillipines. everyday, he followed a route which through rocky road in a dangerous highway where lot of vehicles go fast and irregular.
everytime he could to cross the highway, the boy stopped briefly to church every morning just to say hello to God, he regrads as a 'bestfriend'.
his action so far observed by a Priest who was moved to saw the attitude of innocent boy who believe in God.
"How are you Andy? What you will go to school?"
"Yes father" Andy answered it with his touching smiled. The Priest was so concerned with andy's safety so that one day he told to the boy
"dont cross the street alone, andy. each time after school, you may stop by the church and i will make sure you come back home safely"
"Thank you, father"
"Why you dont go home now? do you often stay at the church after school?"
"i just wanna say hello to God.. my bestfriend."
and after that the Priest left Andy to spent his time in front of altar to spoke by itself, but the priest didnt really left Andy alone, he shrink from somewhere to hear what was andy talking about with his God

"God, you know, today i got bad mark for my math exam, but i did not cheating, although my friends did it. i ate one cake and drunk my water. my father had a bad season and i could eat this cake, God. thankyou for this cake! i had seen the poor kitten and i gave a half of my cake for eaten by it. and funny thing i no longer feel hungry anymore. Look at this, God, this is my last shoes, maybe next week i should walking without footwear at all because may this one will be broken soon. but it's no problem, at least i can still go to school.
some people in my village said that we will experience a very bad harvest this year, even some of my friends have already stopped going to school caused by this way, please help them, God, so they can be back to school again. oh God, you know, my mother hit me again, and it's feel painfull, at least i still get attention from my mother. would you see my wounds, God? i really sure you will  heal this wounds immedietly. please dont you dare to be mad to my mom, God. she's just got a lot on her mind, thinking about our living family expenses and thinking about my school fees, maybe that's make my mom rather annoyed. God, i remember something! 2 days later is your birthday, do you feel happy? just wait 2 days later, God, i have a surprise present for you. i hope you will be like it..
oops! it's already evening, God. i have to comeback my home"

"Sir, im done talking to my bestfriend, now you can take me home"

Father Agathon shared this story to all of people in his church every sunday, because he had never seen a faith and trust which is so pure to God. always positive thinking even in a negative situation.
at the christmas day, father Agathon was sick so he couldnt lead the church for some days. and temporarily the Church treated by 4 old woman who never smiling and always blaming everything that people done. they also always condemn people who offend them.
until one day 4 old woman were praying together, suddenly andy came as usually just for say hello to his bestfriend. "Hello God, here i come..."
"you are impudent boy!! dont you see that we were praying? go out!!"
Andy very shocked and devastated, and he said "where is father Agathon? he should be helping me cross the highway. he also told me to come after school. i also have to say hello to God, because today is his birthday, and i have a present for Him"
when Andy would took that present from his bag, one of 4 old woman pulled him up from altar and pushed him out the church, "go out!!"

Andy was very worried, but he had no choice, he had to came back and crossed the street alone. when would crossed the highway, suddenly a bus came with highly speed. Andy want to keep the present which is brought into his pocket, so he didnt get to see that highly speed bus and of course couldnt dodge from that bus, and he was died immedietly. people at the area run directly swarm the poor boy who had no soul anymore. suddenly, someone wore clothes everything in white came from somewhere it is, with the soft and smooth face was came over to andy. with the tears fell down, he came and hug that poor boy. people who arround were wondered and asked to that man, "i am sorry sir, did you know this boy?" "yes of course, he is my bestfriend" his answered. he took the present from andy's pocket and put it on his heart. then he stand up while he carried pick a back that boy, and both dissapeared from the guise of people. people who swarm there became wonderer and amazed to see the incident that had just occured in front of their eyes.

a few days later, father Agathon received a news which very marvelous. immedietly, he visited Andy's home for make sure the news of andy's death and the curious news which blew up in the church area.

"how did you know that your son has died?" "a man wore white robed brought him to us" said andy's mom with a sob. "what did he say?", Andy's father said, "he didnt say anything. he very grief and loss, we didnt know him, nevertheless he looked very evanescence, it's like he know andy so well. but there is peacefullness that very undescribable from him" continued andy's father. "he asides andy's hair and kissed his  forehead. then he whispered something" "what did he say?" father agathon became vere wonderer. he said "thankyou andy for the present, i love it, we would met again, and you would be always with me my bestfriend" "you know? i feel everything going to be right, i cry but i dont know why. the most i know there is something happines, i cant explain it, father, but when he left us, there is peacefullness that fill our heart, i felt a love so deep in my heart. i know my son has already been in the heaven now"

"but help us, father, can you tell who the man was frequently invited to speak by my son in the church? you certainly know, because you're there almost everyday except when andy died where you were in the hospital" momentarily, father agathon shed the tears, and with the tremble knees he said, "andy doesnt talk to anyone who is in church, except with the Lord"

this story taken from true story
this story just for reminds us to the God, and more loving him deep in side...

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